Showing posts with label trump covid lies. Show all posts
Showing posts with label trump covid lies. Show all posts

Monday, March 29, 2021

The Florida COVID Surge

 The following is a letter I sent to professor Hannage of Harvard's T.H. Chan School of Public Health regarding the coming Florida COVID surge. Florida has been a cesspool for a very long time and it will remain a cesspool until the population of Republicans is sufficiently reduced. COVID-19 could do that.


Professor Hanage,

I think a lot of us saw this coming.  Had Americans behaved like the Japanese theoretically we'd have around 20,000 deaths. While a lot of the blame goes on Trump and his lies IMO most blame belongs on others. Our media and public health officials dropped the ball. It's easy to blame the orange ass clown. The CDC feigned ignorance about the effectiveness of masks and how far aerosols travel from talking, shouting and sneezing.

Worldometers reports 560,000 deaths and if you factor in the under reporting in Trumpistan we can probably add 100,000 more deaths.

Most of the deaths have been and will continue to be Trumpanzees. Through careful study I have determined that for lack of a better word Trumpism/ignorance/stupidity/bigotry/selfishness is not entirely a learned behavior. Without proof people have argued that the East Asian countries have handled this better because of their "culture". I submit that Americanized Asians would behave similarly because they have. The COVID numbers prove it.

COVID may become endemic and the in pockets throughout Republican areas. The ethical and public health question should be, Would it be moral to even try to save these creatures? It would be like saving members of the Waffen SS or saving the lives of enemies only so that they can attack again. These creature are spreaders, anti-maskers and anti-vaxxers. They are also malevolent intractable liars, and bigots. Our Native Americans banished trash like them but we make fact free excuses for them. These creatures are the scum of the earth. Is it moral to stop nature from ridding humanity of them? Lemmings walk over the cliff for a reason. The Bible Belt is the porn belt, the divorce belt, the teen pregnancy belt, the racism belt, the hate group belt, the gluttony belt, the low IQ, the diabetes belt, the low life expectancy belt, the cancer belt, the opiate addiction belt, the violent crime belt, and the homophobe belt.

Would the gene pool be better off without them? Yes! Would humanity be better off without them? Yes! Would the workforce be better if it were replaced with Mexicans? Yes! Would the crime rate go down? Yes! Would the collective IQ rise? Yes?

There are pockets of these creatures. The right highly transmissible and virulent variant could take them out in one fell swoop and then go away. Texas and Florida would be rid of their slimy politicians and Republicanism would be neutralized.

Trumpistan is failing in its vaccine distribution. Is that really a bad thing? The vaccines seem to offer protection against the variants. Proper vitamin D levels are helpful as is zinc. Ivermectin seems to work and masks work. Some nasal sprays offer protection.

As I see it, the surge is a purge and a much needed purge at that. Don't even try to convince the science hating neo Confederates and Trump mobsters. Let their ignorance kick them into the void. We don't owe them the truth. We owe ourselves a moral and safe society.

Wednesday, February 24, 2021

A Year Ago Liar Trump Claimed The CORONAVIRUS was under control

 It's been a year since Trump said COVID-19 was under control.

It's been 1 year since Trump infamously tweeted the 'coronavirus is very much under control' in the U.S.

Well, that didn't age well.

It's now been one year since former President Donald Trump infamously tweeted that the "coronavirus is very much under control" in the United States.

At that point, a search through the Trump Twitter Archive reveals, Trump had been discussing the virus publicly, but mostly in the context of how China was dealing with it; in those days, Trump was still speaking glowingly of President Xi Jinping's response. The Feb. 24 tweet was one of the earliest references Trump made to the virus' presence in the United States, and certainly his most direct about its potential effect on the country.

The comment looks quite jarring in hindsight — earlier this week the U.S. recorded its 500,000th COVID-19 death, and the pandemic remains a serious public health threat, although there are now signs of hope in the form of steadily declining cases and increasing vaccinations.

Trump was far from the only person to downplay the risk of the virus in the U.S. in February 2020, but he did continue to send mixed messages about its danger throughout the rest of his presidency, even after he was infected himself.

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Last updated: February 25, 2021, 02:55 GMT

 United StatesCoronavirus Cases: 28,974,623

Deaths: Most of them are Trump suppoters. 518,363

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