Friday, November 30, 2018

Trump and The Emoluments Clause

The video below explains or criminal Trump is violating the emoluments clause which forbid the POTUS from making money while in office. Trump being a piece of stinking traitorous shit like his filthy supporters has no respect for the rule of law. Laws and common decency mean nothing to Trump and the trash who lie for him.

The video below explains how Trump is in gross violation of the emoluments clause. That alone is enough to impeach him but even when Trump is gone and executed or imprisoned for treason, the stench of his supporters will remain. They need to be gone as well.

The good news is, life expectancy in the Bible belt is low. Those vulgar slothful gluttons eat themselves to death, smoke themselves to death and die from exposure to carcinogenic the byproducts of coal burning. It's a win win. 

Monday, November 12, 2018

The Trump Disease

Trump is merely symptom, you Trump supporters are the disease. You traitors have been dormant because until Trump came into your sick and evil the world the GOP never had a candidate as vile, evil and depraved enough to match your vile depravity.  Even Liar Ted Cruz was not evil enough for you.

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Trump supporters are not merely ignorant. They know when Trump is lying and they are happy to spread his lies. They are traitors and traitors should be jailed or executed. They are the worst threat America and the free world has ever faced.

Their depraved ignorance makes them as dangerous has Hitler's brown shirts. Americans will never be safe as long as there are Trump supporters. Trump is merely a symptom of their depravity.  As long as they exist America will be destroyed by more evil politicians like Trump.

Saturday, October 27, 2018

A Teaching Moment For Trump Supporters

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The Nazis' sole purpose of existence is to create an Aryan world and their means to achieve it is by the extermination of a all non White. Perhaps it is time for another Nuremberg?

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Time for a real Bear Jew?

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Patriots have no tolerance for Nazis.

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By their very existence and by the flags they fly, the vitriol the chant and by the uniforms they wear they are expressing their evil intent. The only good Nazi is a dead Nazi.

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Synagogue Shooter Robert Bowers And The Trump Connection: What We Know So Far

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He blamed Jews for helping migrant caravans
On his account, Bowers claimed Jews were helping transport members of the migrant caravans. He shared a video that another user posted, purportedly of a Jewish refugee advocacy group HIAS on the US-Mexico border. Another post that Bowers commented on described HIAS' overall efforts as "sugar-coated evil."
Seventeen days before the attack, Bowers posted a web page from HIAS that listed a number of Shabbats that were being held on behalf of refugees, an official said. On that list was a Shabbat address that is less than a mile away from the Tree of Life Synagogue. (The chief executive officer of HIAS, Mark Hetfield, said Bowers is not known to the group.)
He called those in migrant caravans 'invaders'
According to his posts, Bowers believed that those in the migrant caravans were violent because they were attempting to leave countries that had high levels of violence. And Bowers repeatedly called them "invaders" on his Gab posts. "I have noticed a change in people saying 'illegals' that now say 'invaders'," read one post, six days before the shooting. "I like this."
A law enforcement source confirmed to CNN that investigators believe the social media postings belong to Bowers and that the language on his account matches the suspected motivation behind the shootings.
Some people will say that it is the times we live and that Trump is the main catalyst for why these treasonous terrorists exist. Like Hitler, Trump unearthed a maniacal hatred and paranoia that has existed in the hearts of righties for centuries.  General Eisenhower understood this so during the occupation at the end of WW-2 and for sake of future generations he had millions of Nazis in France and Germany executed. 
A Nazi's main intent is to exterminate anyone who is not White and Christian. They make no bones about it. There very existence is hate speech with the intention of fulfilling their goals to a Whites only world. It becomes much more than what they believe. It really is what they are. They are the dangerous feral dogs that were not culled from the pack by man. Evil is in their DNA. Even if you don't agree with me and would like to believe they are merely misguided or a product of nurture, will you still justify their existence knowing that their reason for existence is to exterminate all non whites? When a cop shoots an unmedicated crazy man with a knife that cop has no choice and you would not condemn his actions? If Antifa starts preemptively executing Nazis you would be hypocritical to condemn their actions.
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Friday, October 26, 2018

Trump Supporter Cesar Sayoc

The asshole Sayoc is a Republican from Florida. That pretty much says it all. Like most other Trump supporters, he's a liar, he's anti-American, and he's deranged. He's probably Cuban. 

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It's well known that Republican voting base is not the picture of mental health and now we have Putin's puppet stirring up these crazies.

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The time has come to call flood every Republican senator and congressman and tell them to denounce their depraved base. 

Donald IS a Piece of Shit and So are His Supporters

    Donald Trump is a piece of sh!t and so are his supporters Donald Trump is a hypocrite and so are his supporters. so are his supporters ...