Tuesday, February 5, 2019

The Wiz Dumb of Trump

Funny picture and strange quote from Donald Trump about what he would do to Ivanka if she let him.
Like Lott, Donald is a righteous man. Lott banged his daughters so why are the Libs upset about Trump banging Ivanka?

Funny meme of Donald Trump acting like a teenage girl.
In spite of being smarter than Albert Eisenstein. Donald loves the poorly educated. 

Funny picture and meme of Donald Trump making face and pointing finger up with quote about golf.


Funny Donald Trump quote about China and who he totally does not dislike them.
Libs think money laundering is a bad thing. Who wants dirty money???? 

Meme of Donald Trump from The Apprentice with a quote about how Hilary Clinton couldn't satisfy her husband, how will she satisfy America?
OK... this puts us on a slippery slope. I think we need to give Bill Clinton a pass. I mean, who'd want to bang Hillary??? Trump's wives were hot and he screwed a lot of hot women. Had Chelsea Clinton not been a dog he probably would have been banging Chelsea like Trump has been banging Ivanka. I know we don't mind being hypocrites but common MAGA army, this is too obvious.

Funny meme of Donald Trump accusing China of inventing the concept of global warming.
This is a great use of alternative facts. Keeping the focus off the rising sea levels and the melting ice caps is classic Republicanism. Now that truth is no longer truth and alternative facts invalidate actual facts, this it pure Trump brilliance... SHOUT MAGA!!

Donald Trump meme with a pretty accurate definition of how he probably sees the media.
Truer words were never spoken. Like all great men, Trump is surrounded with hot women. Trump is rock star and he'd be a fool not to be banging all his groupies or at least giving him the honor of grabbing them by their puzzies!

Unlike most people, Donald's self-awareness is tremendous only to be outdone by his terrific humility. Trump is the most humble man ever!

Donald's heroism is beyond reproach. It takes a hero to know a hero. While Donald was slugging it out in the mess hall at military school and battling debilitating bone spurs, fly boy John McCain was living it up at a luxury suite at the beautiful Hanoi Hilton. 

We believe you Donald. All that intense training at military school and Wharton Business School. Those generals who attended West Point and the Army War College are a bunch of know nothings.

Trump loves the poorly educated, MAGA, Trump money laundering, stable genius, knows more than the generals.

Sunday, January 27, 2019

Trump's Many Many Failures

Trump is a failure not only in life but in business. Trump's many many failures prove that Trump is a fuck up and a failure. Trump is also a scumbag just like his supporters. Trump's supporters are even bigger failures than Trump. So there you have it, Trump's many failure make Trump a failure.

Wednesday, January 23, 2019

Trump Caught Lying About Putin and Russian Collusion

In the above video you can hear Trump lying about his collusion with Russia. Treasonous Trump is the most prolific liar in history.

Trump supporters are the most depraved bastards ever, outdoing the Nazis. Trumptards don't care that Trump is a traitor, a crook and a liar.

Related: Trump witness tampering.

Obstruction of justice and witness tampering: Trump’s ...

Saturday, January 19, 2019

How Many Ways Can You Say Fuck Donald Trump?

Soon Trump will be fucked by Mueller and state prosecutors. Maybe the question then will be, how many ways can you say that Trump is fucked? By the time they are done with Conald he's going the think he's been fucked with a great big giant elephant dick.

 Trump will soon vanish in federal prison when the Donald dons the orange jumpsuit. He may face a firing squad depending the severity of his treason. When he's in hell he will also be fuck with Satan's pitchfork.

 Before Trump is fucked his supporters will be thoroughly fucked. The terminally impoverished red states and the trashy people who live in them will be fucked but I doubt that they are moral or honest or smart enough to realize that the people who are fucking them are the same Republican errand boys in congress who lick Trump's ass.

Here the way I say Fuck Donald Trump.... Mueller!

Friday, January 11, 2019

Chris Christie and Trump

The look on Chris Christie's face says it all. Even that fat fuck knows that Trump is deranged.  Even some of you Trump supporters know that Trump is an evil and deranged pig of a man but you Trump supporters are even more evil and deranged than Trump. There needs to be a bounty on you treasonous rat bastards.

Rid the world of Trump supporters and other Nazis.

This is a WTF moment!

Illegal Border Crossings and Apprehensions by Year

WARNING TRUMPTARDS! This article contains facts!

You stupid filthy Trump supporters hate facts so now if you support Trump's declaration of a state of emergency, you and everyone else will know that you are lying for criminal Trump. That could be hazardous to your health.

As you death deserving trash can see, border crossings have been steadily declining for decades so now you know that a wall even if it would work, is not needed.

Donald IS a Piece of Shit and So are His Supporters

    Donald Trump is a piece of sh!t and so are his supporters Donald Trump is a hypocrite and so are his supporters. so are his supporters ...