Friday, June 21, 2019

Grab Em By The Pussy

A lot of you Trump supporters are sexual perverts just like Trump. You bastards would fuck a snake if you could get low enough. You all can relate to Trump because he rapes women, rapes children and lusts after his daughter just like most of you scumbags. You can also relate to Trump because he's a big fat idiot. Because you shit heads are perverts you would probably love it if Trump grabbed you fat stinky wives and daughters by the pussy they way you all do.

Not only are you MAGAts pussies like Trump, you approve to pussy grabbing. I think that pussy grabbers like you should have your balls cut off and fed to you at gun point.

Another Female Trump Raped In The 1990's

Writer says she was raped by Trump in 1990s

 Casey Darnell 44 minutes ago 

Wednesday, June 12, 2019

Castrate Trump Supporters

See the source image

Castrate MAGAts aka Trump Supporters

The enemy is not Trump as much as it is his supporters. They created Trump. If there were a bounty on them patriots would be having a field day exterminating them but we would be better to use them for slave labor but we cannot allow them to breed. 

A male, un-castrated pig is known as a boar -- a male pig that has been castrated after sexual maturity is known as a stag, or a hog -- and a pig that has been castrated before sexual maturity is known as a barrow hog, barrow pig or barrow. The castration of a barrow pig is usually done on a very young shoat or piglet.

It would be best to castrate Trump supporters in the same way we castrate other pigs although it would be good to execute some of them by sawing while making the rest of them watch.

Eventually the entire world needs to purge MAGAt DNA from the gene pool. Anyone who is a liar or denier of facts can be designated a MAGAt.

Related: One of Trump's Former Mobster Partners Wants To Castrate Trump

trump libuttitrump libutti
Donald Trump & Edith Creamer
Salon, the billionaire met the mobster in 1988, when LiButti sold Trump a racehorse which Trump went onto name DJ Trump. Three years later, gaming investigators found that Trump barred women and Blacks from being dealers on gambling tables, allegedly at the behest of the gangster, and fined him $200,000. The relationship went sour when LiButti found out that a married Trump was trying to fuck his daughter, Edith Creamer, and threatened to castrate the mogul. In his book, The Making of Donald Trump, journalist David Cay Johnston wrote that LiButti threatened, “Donald, I’ll fucking pull your balls from your legs.”

Furthermore, the NY Times reported:
Trump’s casino was also levied a $450,000 fine for gifting Libutti nine ultra-luxury cars — three Ferraris, three Rolls-Royces, a Mercedes and two Bentleys — many of which were immediately resold.
The NYT also reported that LiButti’s daughter claimed her father “regularly flew in the Trump helicopter, and Trump invited her family onto his yacht after her 35th birthday party.” Trump also copped Edith a cream-colored Benz convertible.
Now, Trump denies that he knows LiButti at all. In 1991, Trump told the Philadelphia Inquirer implied that he wouldn’t know who LiButti was if he was standing in front of him (a line he’s used recently for other figures) and doubled down on it later on. However, Yahoo News obtained video evidence of Trump sitting in the front row at WrestleMania IV in Atlantic City. He is seated with Edith Creamer, in the video. She says that “they” were there as Trump’s guests.

Wednesday, April 10, 2019

Trump Supporters Are The Anti-Christ.

There are a lot of ways to be an anti-Christ according to the Bible but the Bible is bullshit. An anti Christ is someone who is a liar who tries to make you think that wrong is right. An anti-Christ is the antithesis of the general morals and teaching outlined in most Christian doctrines. People do that by talking the talk bit never actually walking the walk. The Bible belt is ground zero for the anti-Christ.

Trumpism is the anti-Christ. Trump supporter are the anti-Christ.

Friday, March 1, 2019

Trump Is A Racist - Con - Cheat and Traitor. LOCK HIM UP!

Augureye Express: The Emperor's Ego

Trump Is A Racist - Con - Cheat and Traitor LOCK HIM UP! Lock up his supporters.

They don't call Don The CON for nothing. Criminal Trump belongs in a cage.
Racist - Con - Cheat - Traitor - Demotivational Poster

Wednesday, February 27, 2019

More Proof Trump Supporters Are Fake Christians

Christians who are still supporting Donald Trump should do so understanding what they are giving up in exchange.
The are relinquishing the right to ever again speak with any authority about lots of things:
The “Sanctity of Marriage.”   one man-one woman 
The Bible as moral authority.    illiterate pitiful  
America as a Christian Nation.   
The idea of protecting women.    well-documented repeated deplorable disregard 
Claiming to be pro-life.   anti-abortion     all  all  
Any talk of “Family Values”.    
To paraphrase a question Jesus asked those who would follow after him—Christians need to ask themselves:
“What will it profit a person if they gain a Supreme Court seat but lose their souls?”
We’re finding out now.

Donald IS a Piece of Shit and So are His Supporters

    Donald Trump is a piece of sh!t and so are his supporters Donald Trump is a hypocrite and so are his supporters. so are his supporters ...