Friday, November 30, 2018

Trump and The Emoluments Clause

The video below explains or criminal Trump is violating the emoluments clause which forbid the POTUS from making money while in office. Trump being a piece of stinking traitorous shit like his filthy supporters has no respect for the rule of law. Laws and common decency mean nothing to Trump and the trash who lie for him.

The video below explains how Trump is in gross violation of the emoluments clause. That alone is enough to impeach him but even when Trump is gone and executed or imprisoned for treason, the stench of his supporters will remain. They need to be gone as well.

The good news is, life expectancy in the Bible belt is low. Those vulgar slothful gluttons eat themselves to death, smoke themselves to death and die from exposure to carcinogenic the byproducts of coal burning. It's a win win. 

Monday, November 12, 2018

The Trump Disease

Trump is merely symptom, you Trump supporters are the disease. You traitors have been dormant because until Trump came into your sick and evil the world the GOP never had a candidate as vile, evil and depraved enough to match your vile depravity.  Even Liar Ted Cruz was not evil enough for you.

See the source image

Trump supporters are not merely ignorant. They know when Trump is lying and they are happy to spread his lies. They are traitors and traitors should be jailed or executed. They are the worst threat America and the free world has ever faced.

Their depraved ignorance makes them as dangerous has Hitler's brown shirts. Americans will never be safe as long as there are Trump supporters. Trump is merely a symptom of their depravity.  As long as they exist America will be destroyed by more evil politicians like Trump.

Donald IS a Piece of Shit and So are His Supporters

    Donald Trump is a piece of sh!t and so are his supporters Donald Trump is a hypocrite and so are his supporters. so are his supporters ...