I have some ideas on how to fight climate change and save money in the process. This is some Elon Musk stuff.
We need high speed rail. I propose high speed rail that uses a solar canopy over the tracks and battery storage. Using even 10 year old photo voltaic technology, 100 square miles of panels will power the entire US. Three main rail lines, one on the East coast, one following the Mississippi river and one on the West coast going north to south using new photo voltaic panels we can would produce more than enough power for all of North America.
We need hurricane proof energy efficient homes the ones that are available in Japan. They are foam domes that most people can erect by themselves.. With this technology every American who wants a home can own one.

Prefab Styrofoam Dome House - Futuristic Japanese design
I worked in the building trades and IMO wood frame houses are stupid. They are fire hazards, energy inefficient, and they require a lot of energy to produce while causing deforestation.
The grid is inefficient due to transmission losses. Home and business can be put municipal grids and generation can be done with wind mills, solar powered stirling engines and solar panels.

There is a new periodic element called Element 115 or ununpentium capable of nuclear fission that doesn't create radioactive isotopes.
We can stop man made CO2 now but as you all know, the criminal elite will fight it tooth and nail.
Trump's real interest in Greenland is about mineral rights.
As the permafrost melts methane is being released into the atmosphere and methane has a much greater greenhouse potential than CO2.
Obesity in another cause of CO2. A 300 lb obese Trump supporting glutton exhales twice as much CO2 as a 150 pound normal human. Gluttony is a serious problem for the environment. Gluttons eat more and more energy is needed to transport them.
The Sander's plan can be made more cost efficient by using dual purpose solutions. When homes are more energy efficient not only will the reduce carbon emissions, it will create more disposable income for homeowners. The foam dome homes are fire, wind and earth quake resistant and that will lower the cost of home owners insurance.
Solar powered high speed rail is another dual purpose solution because it will not only offer Americans much needed high speed rail, it will create jobs and it will power all of North America.