Showing posts with label kleptocracy. Show all posts
Showing posts with label kleptocracy. Show all posts

Monday, September 9, 2019

The Big Picture

A Well Regulated Militia Doesn't Mean Any Idiot Can Have A Gun. 

The heading speaks for itself. I agree that Americans should have gun for hunting and personal protection but like everything else some rights have limits and all rights come with responsibilities. When I grew up cops had revolvers but thank to the Russian controlled NRA civilian law enforcement is armed like our military. Our police are now facing greater small arms firepower than our soldiers and they are being required to charge into it when some Trump inspired nutter goes on a killing spree. This is just wrong on so many levels and for so many reasons. 

See the source image
Penalties For Lying and Slanderous Treason

Trump supporters are a lot of things but honest and moral would not be among them. They lie as easily as Trump does and their lies are damaging to our country in many ways. We are on a slippery slope when we think about legislating morality but on every measure of morality, the Bible Belt is the most immoral place in the country and perhaps in the world. It is the divorce belt, the sloth belt, the gun belt. the homicide belt, the mass shooting belt, the porn belt, the teen pregnancy belt, the smoking belt, the welfare belt, the racism belt, the fake Christian, the poverty belt, and the low life expectancy belt, Perhaps the wages of sin really do lead to death.

Patriots love America and I am a patriot. For us America is a shrine for patriotic devotion. To Trump trash its a garbage dump and a shrine to greed and the golden calf which has grown into a fat dangerous bull worshiped by liars like Paul Ryan, fed by Anton LeVay and ridden by Ayn Rand. 

  Ending the Kleptocracy

The corporate news media talks about the Russian oligarchy while they are part of the American oligarchy. In both cases, it is a kleptocracy. American companies getting discounted labor from illegal workers or filthy corporations like Apple using Chinese slave labor to manufacture their products are kleptocrats. The medical industry that cruelly exploits human suffering for obscene profits and withholds cures is kleptocracy.

Oppression really does breed violence and lies create genocide. History proves that.  The trash on the right is too stupid, delusional and evil to know that their oppressors are the very people they defend so they lash out ignorantly, angrily and chaotically at the non Whites, non Trumpians, moderates, actual conservatives, socialists, liberals and progressives who whine about the traitorous criminal Donald Trump.

The violence will only get worse and the political errand boys and girls can or will do little to stop it. History proves that. The kleptocracy may not survive. It happened in France in 1789 and in the colonies in 1776. It's happening in Taiwan. Robespierre said it best, "Peoples do not judge in the same way as courts of law; they do not hand down sentences, they throw thunderbolts; they do not condemn kings, they drop them back into the void; and this justice is worth just as much as that of the courts." He continued, "Smuggle out the truth, pass it through all the obstacles that its enemies fabricate; multiply, spread by all means possible her message so that she may triumph; through zeal and civic action counterbalance the influence of money and the machinations lavished on the propagation of deception. That, in my opinion, is the most useful activity and the most sacred duty of pure patriotism."  Today's depots are weasels like Mark Zuckerberg, the banksters, corporate board members, CEO's and the people who do their bidding and tell their lies such as the Trump trash. Take Trump trash to the dump.

The next president will need to by a despot against tyranny in order for things to change. That will happen by punishing the filthy rich and all the other crooks and liars. Some people are just no damn good and the next president needs to understand that. Trump has set a new precedent of breaking the law as president and being above the law as president. He even had a hit taken out on Jeffery Epstein.  Maybe the next president should see that traitors like Zuckerberg get the Epstein treatment.

Donald IS a Piece of Shit and So are His Supporters

    Donald Trump is a piece of sh!t and so are his supporters Donald Trump is a hypocrite and so are his supporters. so are his supporters ...