Showing posts with label Trumpers dangerous. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Trumpers dangerous. Show all posts

Wednesday, December 11, 2019

Trump Supporters Are Worse Than Trump

There is no arguing the fact that Trump belongs at the end of a hangman's rope or in front of a firing squad. That's a given and the same holds true for anyone in he orbit but when Trump is gone along with the people closest to him Trumpism and the Trumpers will remain and they will be angrier and more dangerous than a nest of hornets.

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What makes Trumpers so dangerous is their total depravity. If we look at the Hitler supporters it is easy to see why many of them were fooled by Hitler. Hitler was controlling the narrative and Germany was experiencing economic hardship. In 2016 the US economy was booming and we had a free press. That was not the case in 1930's Germany. While it is true that Trump supporters are intellectually lazy and dishonest. poorly educated and have sub par IQs, they are smart enough and informed enough to know that Trump is the biggest liar the world has ever seen, a thief, a con man, a vulgar misogynist, a dotard, are racist and a traitor, the Trumpers simply don't care. And beyond not caring, they are complicit in spreading his lies and bigotry. That makes them very dangerous but what makes them more dangerous is that they breed. It is a fact that the most immoral and depraved part of the US is the Bible belt. In fact, the Bible Belt is synonymous with depravity. The cousin marrying Bible Bangers are so hypocritical  that they would be having conniption fits is Obama had cheated on 3 wives, had 5 kids by 3 different women, has sex with hookers, cheated on his pregnant wife with a porn star, swindled charities and failed to release his tax returns. People with that level of hypocrisy  probably should be locked up or thrown of a cliff. At minimum they should be spayed and neutered with a dull knife. They should be categorized as sub human.

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Why exactly are they more depraved than Trump? Trump is a narcissist and a sociopath. Narcissists and sociopaths are mostly a product of nature. In other word Trump and people like him can't help what they are. With only 1% of people being narcopaths, Trumpers don't have an excuse for their depravity. They choose it. They know what they do, say, and believe is wrong but they do it, say it and pretend believe it anyway. You can't get much more evil than that.

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Donald IS a Piece of Shit and So are His Supporters

    Donald Trump is a piece of sh!t and so are his supporters Donald Trump is a hypocrite and so are his supporters. so are his supporters ...