Showing posts with label Trump had Epstein killed. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Trump had Epstein killed. Show all posts

Saturday, August 10, 2019

Who Killed Jeffery Epstein?

Did Epstein kill himself? Probably not. Epstein could have won in court by bribing the judge and jury the way OJ Simpson did.  He could have gotten another sweetheart deal. He could have filed appeals .

Did Epstein kill himself for a noble reason? This is probable. Sure, Epstein is a scum bag but he may not be totally depraved like Trump and OJ Simpson. A common Mafia tactic is to tell the mark that his family is in danger. Trump and his mob buddies have a history of doing that sort of thing. 

Did the family of one of his victims have him killed? That's plausible because he's raped a lot of teen girls but by all accounts none of it was forcible rape and none were toddlers like with Trump.

Did another inmate kill Epstein? I doubt it. Jail inmates are awaiting trial. They don't want to risk more charges. Not only that, Epstein was attacked previously and not killed but the attacker was never named. It could have been a guard and the beating may have been a warning.  Law enforcement in NYC is very corrupt. 

Trump had Epstein killed. This is highly likely. Epstein has dirt on a lot of people including Trump and his family as well as fellow pedophile Alan Dershowitz.  Trump is should be the main suspect. He's the most corrupt and has the most to lose.

The most plausible explanation is; Trump had Epstein killed. Trump's name was in Epstein's little black book. Both Trump and Epstein are known pedophile but unlike Trump it is doubtful if Epstein raped toddlers and preteen but is it likely Epstein knew of Trump's, Alan Dershowitz's and Rush Limbaugh's sex tourism to pedophile island.

Dead Men Tell No Tales - Demotivational Poster

Photo credit: Davidoff Studios Photography - Getty Images


A Detailed Timeline of the Jeffrey Epstein Scandal

U.S. Sen. Ben Sasse, a Republican from Nebraska, in turn, took Barr to task over the affair with a stinging letter to the attorney general demanding that "heads must roll."

Donald IS a Piece of Shit and So are His Supporters

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