Like Lott, Donald is a righteous man. Lott banged his daughters so why are the Libs upset about Trump banging Ivanka?
In spite of being smarter than Albert Eisenstein. Donald loves the poorly educated.
Libs think money laundering is a bad thing. Who wants dirty money????
OK... this puts us on a slippery slope. I think we need to give Bill Clinton a pass. I mean, who'd want to bang Hillary??? Trump's wives were hot and he screwed a lot of hot women. Had Chelsea Clinton not been a dog he probably would have been banging Chelsea like Trump has been banging Ivanka. I know we don't mind being hypocrites but common MAGA army, this is too obvious.
This is a great use of alternative facts. Keeping the focus off the rising sea levels and the melting ice caps is classic Republicanism. Now that truth is no longer truth and alternative facts invalidate actual facts, this it pure Trump brilliance... SHOUT MAGA!!
Truer words were never spoken. Like all great men, Trump is surrounded with hot women. Trump is rock star and he'd be a fool not to be banging all his groupies or at least giving him the honor of grabbing them by their puzzies!
Unlike most people, Donald's self-awareness is tremendous only to be outdone by his terrific humility. Trump is the most humble man ever!
Donald's heroism is beyond reproach. It takes a hero to know a hero. While Donald was slugging it out in the mess hall at military school and battling debilitating bone spurs, fly boy John McCain was living it up at a luxury suite at the beautiful Hanoi Hilton.
We believe you Donald. All that intense training at military school and Wharton Business School. Those generals who attended West Point and the Army War College are a bunch of know nothings.
Trump loves the poorly educated, MAGA, Trump money laundering, stable genius, knows more than the generals.