Friday, December 4, 2020

You Asshole Trumpers Are The Ones Dying From The Hoax Virus

 Every single one of you fuckers deserve to die. You earned it with your lies and hate for the truth. Most of you knew what Trump was in 2016 and now you have know excuse and a lot of you assholes are going to get sick and die. I only wish the "Hoax Virus" was even more deadly because more of you depraved scumbags need to die. 

Keep pretending to believe Trump and his mobsters. Keep running your traitorous lie holes about starting a civil war so that the government can crush you once and for all. Keep going to bars, resturants and churches. Have a large Christmas gatherings and a large New Years Eve gathering and when the vaccines are available don't get innoculated because the vaccines are a trick by Bill Gates to inject micro chip into you and read your thoughts.


Last updated: December 04, 2020, 20:02 GMT

 United States

Coronavirus Cases: 14,665,144

Deaths: 284,407

Tuesday, August 11, 2020

Shitter Twitter Trump

See the source image

Trump is prolific on Twitter
As he tweets day and night from the shitter
Constipation of his brain
Make his tweets quite insane
And angry and stupid and bitter

There once was a traitor named Trump
Wants a toilet for his giant rump.
Sits on the Commode
His Twitter abode
Where he shits out a giant orange dump.

On the toilet Trump tweets out the word.
Like a giant dotard Tweet bird
He speaks to the South
More shit flies from his mouth
As Republicans polish his turds

Trump runs his lie hole for a reason
To cover his vile acts of treason
A tweet he did twit
As he drops a big shit
Cause his taxes the congress is seizin

Humpty Trumpy he built wall
From upon it he had a great fall
His supporters they sigh
While ignoring his lies
As Trump tweets from a new restroom stall.

The Stablle Genius is Putin's Unstable Useful Idiot

If you support Trump you are depraved and unAmerican. You belong in a cage.

Donald IS a Piece of Shit and So are His Supporters

    Donald Trump is a piece of sh!t and so are his supporters Donald Trump is a hypocrite and so are his supporters. so are his supporters ...