Thursday, August 22, 2019

Trumper Tantrum Is The New Term For Narcissistic Rage

Classic Narcissistic Rage - Demotivational Poster

Trump is going further off the rails. His tweet storms and Trumper tantrums are reaching Biblical proportions. He's pissed that Denmark won't sell him Greenland and he's melting down over that. Trump is angry because the Jews won't be voting for him even though he's the chosen one who has declared himself the king of Israel.

A lot of people say that Trump is mentally ill. He's not, at least not in the classic sense. Mental illnesses can be treated or cured. What Trump and others like him have cannot be treated or cured. Trump has personality disorders for which there is no know cure. In addition to his Cluster B type personality disorders, Trump is a sociopath and sociopaths cannot be treated effectively or cured.

The other all encompassing word for Trump and people like him is asshole. Before the mental health community came up with the Cluster B traits, people like Donald Trump were referred to as assholes and they often got shit beaten out of them and deservedly so. Often a beat down would keep them in check but because Trump was sent to private schools for spoiled rich kids, those beat downs didn't happen often enough. 

Ted Cruz Predicted Trump, During One Of His Trumper Tantrums Will Attack Denmark

While discussing Trump's tweet storms and "Trumper tantrums" Cruz predicted that Trump would attack Denmark.

Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Texas) once suggested during the 2016 election campaign that his then-Republican rival, Donald Trump, could end up nuking Denmark if he ever became president.

Video footage of Cruz’s prediction is now going viral as tensions escalate between Trump and Denmark over the president’s rejected desire to buy the autonomous Danish territory of Greenland for the United States.

In the clip, Cruz questioned Trump’s temperament and said the United States needed “someone with judgment” to keep the country safe.

“I don’t know anyone who would be comfortable with someone who behaves this way, having his finger on the button,” he said. “I mean, we’re liable to wake up one morning and Donald, if he were president, would have nuked Denmark.”

Thursday, August 15, 2019


With Trump's trade wars against China, the production of MAGA (Make America Great Again) hats has ground to a halt. Don't worry Trump supporters, all is not lost, you can your make own Trump MAGA hats.

Find an old ball cap. (Since the NRA is going out of business use that hat.)

Cover it with some Moscow Mitch Russian aluminum foil.

Find someone who can spell and knows how to use a computer and printer.

Have them print out the words, Make America Great Again.

Attach it to your foil covered hat.

Put the hat on you head and lie and say stupid shit. SHOUT MAGA!

See the source image

Not only will your foil MAGA hat protect you from Hillary's brain penetrating radiation propaganda machine, it will keep you dry if it rains and a Trump rally and it will keep you cool from the Chinese hoax of global warming. 

Remember Trumpians, Your's is not to question why. Your's is just to spread the lies. MAGA!

Why Trump Supporters Should Consider Suicide

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It has been said that suicide is a permanent solution to a temporary problem and that is often the case but it is not always the case. Some people's lives suck so much that suicide in the only solution and this is true for Trump supporters whose lives will never not suck. Am I advocating for Trump trash to kill themselves? Not really. I am merely pointing out the futility for them to continue to living.

It's not complicated. Trump is a loser and so are his supporters with the only difference being that Trump and his supporters don't know that he's a loser and Trump knows that his poorly educated mob are losers and deep down they know they are born losers with no chance of being anything but losers. That's why they hate and blame non Whites, women and moderates, immigrants true Conservatives, Muslims, gays, lesbians, trans people, Liberals, progressives, Jews, intellectuals, scientists, the news media the government, sane Republicans, the Clintons, moderates, and progressives for the fact that they are dismal failures at every aspect of life.

If you Trumptards want to place blame for the fact that you are losers blame you fathers for not using and condom and allowing the best part of you to run down your mothers' legs.

Trump's going to lose.  Five Reasons Why Trump Will Lose 2020 Election

Trump is being "PRIMARIED" - Donald Trump Is Officially Being Primaried ...

Texas and Florida are about turn blue. Texas is turning blue fast: What will the GOP be without it?

Stacey Abrams may become vice president. Stacy Abrams Says She’d Serve as Vice-President

The dems will win the Senate.  Budowsky: Dems can win a 2020 landslide | TheHill

The NRA is in shambles. The NRA Is In Tatters, and Republican Leadership Is ...

Sensible gun law will be passed. The 5 gun safety regulations that even NRA members support

Ann Coulter is telling the truth about Trump. Ann Coulter Suggests Trump Should Be Arrested For Hiring ...

Russia sucks more and more every day. Russia’s Economy Is Collapsing. Here’s What You Need to ...

Trump supporters have very small penises Trump Supporters Linked with Having Small Penises - Dan Ariely

People in Trump country die sooner More Good News: Red State Residents Die Sooner and Blue ...

People in Trump country are stupid and ignorant. Red States Least Educated in the U.S. | Time

Trump country is impoverished and profoundly mentally ill. Poor, Mentally Ill and Living in a Deep Red State ...

Trump is about to crash the economy. What's an Inverted Yield Curve, and Why’s It So Worrisome ...

Carbon monoxide is painless. How to Kill Yourself Using the Inhalation of Carbon ...

See the source image

You are a fluke of the universe. You have no right to be here..... Your world and your lives continue to deteriorate. GIVE UP! 

Saturday, August 10, 2019

Who Killed Jeffery Epstein?

Did Epstein kill himself? Probably not. Epstein could have won in court by bribing the judge and jury the way OJ Simpson did.  He could have gotten another sweetheart deal. He could have filed appeals .

Did Epstein kill himself for a noble reason? This is probable. Sure, Epstein is a scum bag but he may not be totally depraved like Trump and OJ Simpson. A common Mafia tactic is to tell the mark that his family is in danger. Trump and his mob buddies have a history of doing that sort of thing. 

Did the family of one of his victims have him killed? That's plausible because he's raped a lot of teen girls but by all accounts none of it was forcible rape and none were toddlers like with Trump.

Did another inmate kill Epstein? I doubt it. Jail inmates are awaiting trial. They don't want to risk more charges. Not only that, Epstein was attacked previously and not killed but the attacker was never named. It could have been a guard and the beating may have been a warning.  Law enforcement in NYC is very corrupt. 

Trump had Epstein killed. This is highly likely. Epstein has dirt on a lot of people including Trump and his family as well as fellow pedophile Alan Dershowitz.  Trump is should be the main suspect. He's the most corrupt and has the most to lose.

The most plausible explanation is; Trump had Epstein killed. Trump's name was in Epstein's little black book. Both Trump and Epstein are known pedophile but unlike Trump it is doubtful if Epstein raped toddlers and preteen but is it likely Epstein knew of Trump's, Alan Dershowitz's and Rush Limbaugh's sex tourism to pedophile island.

Dead Men Tell No Tales - Demotivational Poster

Photo credit: Davidoff Studios Photography - Getty Images


A Detailed Timeline of the Jeffrey Epstein Scandal

U.S. Sen. Ben Sasse, a Republican from Nebraska, in turn, took Barr to task over the affair with a stinging letter to the attorney general demanding that "heads must roll."

Saturday, August 3, 2019

Trump Knows Republican Voters Are Stupid

  1. Trump 'Knows Republicans Are Stupid,' Jared Kushner Allegedly ...
    His son-in-law, Jared Kushner, ... He just knows Republicans are stupid and they'll buy it." Spiers told her Kushner anecdote in response to a question from a conservative blogger on Facebook, and ...
  2. Jared Kushner 'admitted Donald Trump lies to his base because ...
    News > World > Americas Jared Kushner 'admitted Donald Trump lies to his base because he thinks they're stupid' Trump's son-in-law said 'He just knows Republicans are stupid and they’ll buy it ...
  3. Jared Kushner Once Allegedly Admitted That Donald Trump Lies ...
    Jared Kushner Once Allegedly Admitted That Donald Trump Lies to His Base Because He Thinks They’re Stupid The president apparently doesn’t think very highly of his voters. By

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Donald IS a Piece of Shit and So are His Supporters

    Donald Trump is a piece of sh!t and so are his supporters Donald Trump is a hypocrite and so are his supporters. so are his supporters ...