Monday, October 21, 2019

Lindsey Graham Suggests Ukraine Quid Pro Quo Might Convince Him To Back Impeachment

Lindsey Graham Suggests Ukraine Quid Pro Quo Might Convince Him To Back Impeachment

Usually steadfast Donald Trump supporter Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.) indicated that a convincing “quid pro quo” in the president’s dealings with Ukraine could make him reconsider his opposition to impeachment.
Graham revealed the surprising crack in his impeachment armor in an “Axios on HBO” interview that aired Sunday. 
In another double-edged observation about Trump, Graham said that while the president can be “charming,” he was also a “handful” and an “equal opportunity abuser of people.”
Check it out in the promo clip above.
When asked if he would be open to impeaching Trump if enough incriminating information is developed, Graham said he would.
“Sure. I mean... show me something that ... is a crime. If you could show me that ... Trump actually was engaging in a quid pro quo, outside the phone call, that would be very disturbing,” Graham told Axios’ Jonathan Swan.
But Graham still insisted that Trump pressing Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky to launch an investigation into political rival Joe Biden and his son was “not impeachable,” even though at the time, Trump was withholding millions in military aid to the nation.
“I’ve read the transcript of the Ukrainian phone call. That’s not a quid pro quo to me,” Graham said.
However, Trump asking China to investigate Biden in front of reporters on national TV was “stupid,” Graham said.
“Nobody believes that China would be fair to Biden, Trump, me or you, or anybody ... I think that’s a frustrated Trump,” he added.
Graham’s interview on Tuesday preceded acting White House Chief of Staff Mick Mulvaney’s declaration Thursday that Trump’s Ukraine dealing concerning Biden was a quid pro quo. But Graham still hasn’t seen anything impeachable, the senator’s spokesman Kevin Bishop told Axios on Friday.

Another Trump Supporter Who Should Have Been Killed On The Spot

Video Shows Man in MAGA Hat Blasting Anti-Trump Protesters With Bear Repellent

Click here to read the full article.
On the Santa Monica Pier in California on Saturday, video captured a man in a MAGA hat showering anti-Trump protesters with bear repellent.
According to the Los Angeles Times, anti-Trump protesters were met by a group of Trump supporters after moving from the beach to the pier. Santa Monica police Sgt. D. Hicks said after approximately ten minutes of exchanging taunts and chants, “everything went to crap.”
While some anti-Trump protesters were screaming and others scattered in an attempt to avoid the spray, the man in the MAGA hat went towards an anti-Trump protester who was being held on the ground by Trump supporters and sprayed him.
The video also shows that before the man in the MAGA hat was arrested, he pled with police, claiming anti-Trump protesters attacked him, calling them “fucking libtards” and “commies.” The video showed no such thing.
Police said that the man had a “fairly extensive” criminal record. And after viewing the video, they believe another man may have also sprayed the crowd too. None of the protesters were seriously injured.
News that connects violence and those who support President Donald Trump is a common occurrence. Just last week a video surfaced that depicted a fake Trump massacring members of the news media. The video was shown during a conference at one of the president’s resorts in Miami.
With an impeachment inquiry underway, Trump has ratcheted up his rhetoric, going after the whistleblower and tweeting about a civil war, which some think could provoke armed extremists who support him to be moved to public violence.
A single incident in California cannot be laid at the feet of the president, but it is concerning that the man in the White House does more to stoke anger and fear within his deranged and unstable supporters than he does to calm them.


Guns are no longer for hunting animals. I know that the thought putting bullets into another human being is distasteful for many peace loving liberals but ask yourselves, "Are Trump supporters are human beings?" They are homo sapiens but whether they are human beings is another question. 

Trump wants a civil war and so do his supporters. Trumpers are not our opponents, they are the enemies of all humanity. They are dangerous.  They are no different than the members of the Waffen SS who could kill you. The cannot be reasoned with nor can they be reformed. They could kill you as easily as you would swat a mosquito. They are amoral and immoral. They are repulsed by truth. If given free reign, they would exterminate all non Whites.

Trump will lose this election and when that happens prepare to defend yourselves from his deranged mob. Install security cameras, get a watchdog and get a gun that is right for you and don't hesitate to use it. 

Trump Cheated (Shocker!) on Property Tax; But Will Anyone Go to Jail?

More Trump Tax Fraud

Trump Cheated (Shocker!) on Property Tax; But Will Anyone Go to Jail?

ProPublica published a piece Wednesday that put the spotlight once again on some questionable financial practices of the Trump Organization, which showed one set of books to banks (inflating value) and another to New York City tax authorities (deflating value).
Is this just the usual Trump mendacity, or can prosecutors see this as part of a pattern? And if so, could it be prosecuted? Who would be tagged as the defendant(s)? If not, what more is needed to bring the guilty parties to justice?
Before we explore these questions, let’s look at the facts. Both versions of them.
ProPublica obtained property tax docs for four Trump properties. These docs became public when Trump appealed the tax bills, and the loan records became public when Trump’s lenders sold the debt on the properties. Significant discrepancies were unearthed between the tax records and loan records for two of the properties: Trump International Hotel & Tower, on Central Park West, and 40 Wall St.
Tax and loan documents for 40 Wall St. showed significant discrepancies in how certain costs such as insurance were reported. Further, Trump representatives reported different occupancy rates to lenders and tax officials: 81 percent to lenders (rising later to 95 percent), and just 59 percent to tax authorities. Rising occupancy rates are valued by lenders because they are indicative of rising income level which is material to securing refinancing, while lower rates, of course, mean lower taxes.
Meanwhile, documents for the Trump International Hotel & Tower showed that city tax officials were advised that this property made about $822,000 in 2017 from renting space in the building to other businesses, while loan officials were told that the building made about $1.67 million. ProPublica further notes that Trump appeared not to report income from leasing space for television antennas on tax documents but did report the income on loan docs.
Each of the above-noted discrepancies is indicative of potential fraud. But do they represent instances of a prosecutable case?
The short answer is: not yet. The discrepancies do reflect a situational ethics approach toward financial obligations and responsibilities. But more evidence will be needed to prosecute anyone should criminal prosecution be considered by the authorities.
Who might be prosecuted here? It is unclear just who is responsible for submitting the doctored financial statements to the lending authorities and tax officials. Were the folks who submitted the documents the same folks who prepared them? If so, what were their marching orders? Who directed the Trump Organization officials to tailor the financial statements to minimize property taxes or maximize occupancy rates to obtain loans?
Investigators need to home in on the work papers prepared to support the finagled financial statements in order to determine “willful intent,” or “mens rea” that James Comey so infamously referenced. Such evidence may well be found at Mazars USA—the Trump Organization accounting firm that is the subject of intensive litigation with regard to subpoenas served by both the U.S. Congress and the Manhattan DA’s office.
Accountant work papers have been found to be beneficial when uncovering evidence of intent to defraud in case after case of white-collar fraud, specifically tax fraud. In fact, accountant work files and testimony provided critical evidence leading to the conviction of Paul Manafort in the Mueller investigations and prosecutions. It should be noted that tax fraud, bank fraud, and the falsification of business records may result in felony charges that could be contemplated by the Manhattan DA and provide for prison sentences that could lead the convicted defendants to land in Rikers Island for a stretch with the aforementioned Manafort.
Chip Somodevilla
Evidence of corrupt intent to defraud either a financial institution or a public tax authority is critical to a successful criminal prosecution. The use of a double or triple set of books and records by company officials for fraudulent purposes is a terrific example of overt acts of corrupt intent. But further evidence will be needed here to link all those involved in each of the instances denoted above.
Email, texts, voice mail, notes to the file and other evidence of directions to finagle the financial docs are needed. Further forensic analysis of the documents, for example fingerprint analysis, ink chemistry analysis and handwriting analysis are investigative tools available to the prosecutors to tighten the vise and provide the links in the chain of potential targets.
Cohen was reportedly debriefed in detail recently by the Manhattan DA’s office. His testimony will be needed to outline just who in the Trump Organization was responsible for the preparation of the questionable documents referenced above. Cohen’s credibility will clearly be attacked in court by the defendant(s) and will become a question for the jury to grapple with.
Cohen provided the Southern District of New York with a prosecutive path for those responsible for cooking the books at the Trump Organization with regard to the reimbursement of “hush money” payments to Cohen. That path is now available to the Manhattan DA. Add Cohen’s now corroborated congressional testimony outlining the transactional financial ethics referenced above, used by the Trump team in their shady business dealings and the jury will likely be sitting on the edge of their seats. All the DA needs to do now is fill in some blanks in combination with demonstrating a pattern of fraud over time—the closing argument is shaping up to be very persuasive.
The allegation that the Trump Organization appeared not to report income from leasing space for television antennas to tax authorities but did report the income on loan docs revives memories of the landmark New York Times tax fraud series on Fred Trump and Donald Trump’s financial shenanigans in the ’90s wherein the Times detailed multiple instances of unreported income streams tailored by Fred Trump for the Donald.
While the statute of limitations has long expired with regard to the multi-million dollar gift tax evasion schemes entered into by Donald Trump, prosecutors can use evidence of historical frauds to depict a pattern of fraudulent conduct on the part of a defendant no matter how long ago the fraud occurred. It goes to willfulness or corrupt intent exhibited by Individual-1.
The Manhattan DA’s case against the Trump Organization may appear to be on its surface just a mundane business fraud type of case. But fraudulent documents don’t change stories, particularly when there are witnesses available to tie the documents and the corrupt intent together.
Add the historical pattern of fraud engaged in by Individual-1 and the Manhattan DA’s case appears to be silently moving along like a stealth nuclear submarine under the radar and there are no available defenses available like an Office of Legal Counsel opinion to protect the prospective defendants from a potentially lethal prosecutorial attack.

Friday, October 18, 2019

Watch General Mattis Put the Spur To Cadet Bone Spurs

Before I begin let me say, "Hey Trump supporters, fuck you!" OK you asshole, since most of you can barely read and since most of you are traitors to America, watch the video and listen to a true American hero. Non of you fat waddling out of shape gluttons could ever meet the physical requirements to serve in the military so keep shoving junk food into your lie holes pie holes and die soon. Mad Dog Mattis should slap the taste out of your mouths.

If you're still working for Trump, his stink won't ever wash off ...

Friday, October 11, 2019

Conservative Pundit George Will Has A Stark Warning For Every Republican Who Supports Trump

George Will has a warning for Republican lawmakers: If you don’t stand up to President Donald Trump, you deserve to lose everything in next year’s election. 
Will, a longtime conservative voice who quit the party in 2016 when it was clear Trump would be nominated, slammed the president’s decision to “betray” America’s Kurdish allies in Syria. He said the move could complete “the destruction of the GOP’s advantage regarding foreign policy.”
(Photo: NBC NewsWire via Getty Images)

But much of Will’s column in The Washington Post railed against the Republican lawmakers who continue to stand beside Trump. He wrote: 
Trump’s gross and comprehensive incompetence now increasingly impinges upon the core presidential responsibility. This should, but will not, cause congressional Republicans to value their own and their institution’s dignity and exercise its powers more vigorously than they profess fealty to Trump" 

Will added that Trump’s refusal to cooperate with the conservative voice into his dealings with Ukraine was in itself an impeachable offense. 
“In 13 months, all congressional Republicans who have not defended Congress by exercising ‘the constitutional rights of the place’ should be defeated,” he wrote. 

Wednesday, September 11, 2019

Why Trump Supporters Should Be Disarmed

As I have said before, a well regulated militia does not mean that every nut should have a gun.  A lot of nuts have guns and most Trump supporters are nuts and therefore not qualified to have guns.

This is not about gun control, it's about asshole control and protect good people from bad people.

A sane person would say, that mental patients should not have guns but a mental patient aka a Trump supporter would quote part of the 2nd amendment that says, "the right of the people to keep and bear arms should not be infringed". Trump supporters in addition to being morally depraved are also too mentally and morally defective to be trusted with guns or sharp objects for that matter. Trump supporters are mental patients, alcoholics, med heads, opiate addicts, meth heads, pill heads and wife beaters. A sane person would say that mental patients, alcoholics, med heads, opiate addicts, meth heads, pill heads and wife beaters cannot be trusted with guns. A crazy person aka, a Trump supporter would quote part of the 2nd amendment and say,  "the right of the people to keep and bear arms should not be infringed". IMO the should be kicked in their lying lie holes for that dishonesty.

Image result for fat gun owners
Trump supporters not only lack the intellect to be responsible gun owners, they also lack emotional maturity to be responsible trusted with firearms. Essentially they are children in big fat bloated adult bodies.

Image result for fat gun owners
Look at these stupid fat fuckers! 


Trigger Warning to Trumptards! FACTS AHEAD!

You turds are mental midgets and baby men. You losers in Trump country have less education, less income, smaller dicks, more divorces, more teen pregnancies, lower life expediencies, more poverty, more homicides, more gun deaths...

What is Wrong With Our Map? â The Soap Box

You losers want your guns but you don't care about the rights of others such as the right for people to be safe from crazy people like you and the right for our police not to become victims of your weapons of war as the charge into hails of brutal gunfire tying to stop one of you sickos.

4 Essential Cancer Charts for 2016
Keep smoking and burning coal you irresponsible losers.

Here's the obesity rate in every state
Ranked: life expectancy, healthiest states in America - Business Insider

Census: Arizonaâs marriage, divorce statistics higher than ...New Research: States That Have The Highest And Lowest ...

Clearly, Trump Country losers are not mature or responsible enough to be trusted with guns other than squirt guns.

Donald IS a Piece of Shit and So are His Supporters

    Donald Trump is a piece of sh!t and so are his supporters Donald Trump is a hypocrite and so are his supporters. so are his supporters ...